Living Dead. Life Undead
Satanic Science

Living Dead. Life Undead

„I am the blood of sinfulness, which comes from nothingness. If anyone consumes this blood, he will live here and now but as if he were dead”. Biblia Satanae, Ant. 5:34 „The very person of the Undead can say: I was apparently alive, and now I am dead but as if undead”. The Satanic Kerygma - Symbol of Lucifer the Dead „We are not of those heading for delusional doom, but of those doubting, departing to the world between life and death”. Book Antichristus, chapter Blood. 9 „But he turned away and, looking at his followers, said to him: "And what is madness? What is chaos? You believe in law and order but the Universe is an empty, chaotic, cold place, hostile to life. But it is in such a place that the stars were born from which you too came”. Biblia Satanae, Ant. 7:8 „T...
Satanic Misanthropy
Godless Theology

Satanic Misanthropy

“You must die completely spiritually. Bury your previous life of belief in a false, vengeful god and in his inhuman commands and prohibitions, and rise from the dead in flesh and blood as you see the reflection of the light of the Son of Dawn”. Biblia Satanae - ASE Once upon a time, across the sea, in the high mountains, there lived a monk named Chūkai. The monk spent his days praying, meditating and reciting mantras. Once, while meditating and reflecting on the truths of his faith, he came to the realization that the state of divinity was possible to attain while still alive. In order to achieve this, the monk decided to undergo what he considered a necessary ritual, which not everyone could or would dare to undergo. This ritual was to take several years and was divided into 3 stages, ...
Spiritual Satanic Sect Ecclesia Luciferi
Ecclesia Luciferi

Spiritual Satanic Sect Ecclesia Luciferi

The term Ecclesia comes from the Greek (ἐκκλησία ekklēsía) and means assembly. The Ecclesia Luciferi is a spiritual immaterial Satanic assembly or convocation to which anyone can belong at will by virtue of understanding and acknowledging its ambiguous teachings as their own. Ecclesia Luciferi can best be described as a spiritual satanic sect. It is a spiritual entity arbitrarily emerging from a satanic system of unbelief. The definition of a sect should be taken as that which states that the sect contests, in contrast to the institutionalised church, a particular social order and pursues its own religious and ethical ideals, and that the way to perfect itself is not through sacraments but through personal experience. Man is a herd animal, which is why ...


At any time you can support the proclamation of the mystery of godlessness if that is your will. Every sum, even the smallest one, paid today to the Satanic System Ecclesia Luciferi has a direct impact on the spread of this godless philosophy and makes you one of the accomplices of the Ecclesia Luciferi System. Thank you in advance for your complicity.
Satanic Restoration
Godless Theology

Satanic Restoration

Accepting Satanism according to the Ecclesia Luciferi means returning the person to a state of original godlessness. Primordial godlessness is the natural state of every newborn person. No child will believe in any made-up god on its own until belief in theistic delusions is transferred to it by parents or religious teachers. A person who deeply understands the essence of the evil of theistic error and expresses the will to actively oppose it becomes an adversary of the theistic god on the model of Satan, becomes a Satanist. In such a person there is a godless restoration. The state of original godlessness is not yet Satanism, it is atheism. Only the recognition of the essence of the theistic god and the will to oppose it leads to Satanism. Since the greatest crime acco...
Biblia Satanae. Traditional Satanic Bible
Satanic Books

Biblia Satanae. Traditional Satanic Bible

Biblia Satanae. The Satanic Book of the Way, the Truth, and Abundant Life. Biblia Satanae, not by an imaginary deity, but by Man, is inspired, useful for satanic teaching, for detecting theistic superstition, for educating in godlessness, for proclaiming the good news of Lightbearer who has revealed Himself to free from belief in an imaginary god, from fear of death and divine fire, from guilt for sin that never was, from belief in eternal life on one's knees. So that the Satanist would be perfect, for a life abundant in flesh and blood prepared.The Bible of Abrahamic theistic superstition proclaims:"And every spirit who does not recognise Jesus is not of God; and this is the spirit of Antichrist, who, as you have heard, is coming and is already in the world". 1 John...