Living Dead. Life Undead
„I am the blood of sinfulness, which comes from nothingness. If anyone consumes this blood, he will live here and now but as if he were dead”. Biblia Satanae, Ant. 5:34
„The very person of the Undead can say: I was apparently alive, and now I am dead but as if undead”. The Satanic Kerygma - Symbol of Lucifer the Dead
„We are not of those heading for delusional doom, but of those doubting, departing to the world between life and death”. Book Antichristus, chapter Blood. 9
„But he turned away and, looking at his followers, said to him: "And what is madness? What is chaos? You believe in law and order but the Universe is an empty, chaotic, cold place, hostile to life. But it is in such a place that the stars were born from which you too came”. Biblia Satanae, Ant. 7:8