Ecclesia Luciferi

Satanic System Ecclesia Luciferi

Spiritual Satanic Sect Ecclesia Luciferi
Ecclesia Luciferi

Spiritual Satanic Sect Ecclesia Luciferi

The term Ecclesia comes from the Greek (ἐκκλησία ekklēsía) and means assembly. The Ecclesia Luciferi is a spiritual immaterial Satanic assembly or convocation to which anyone can belong at will by virtue of understanding and acknowledging its ambiguous teachings as their own. Ecclesia Luciferi can best be described as a spiritual satanic sect. It is a spiritual entity arbitrarily emerging from a satanic system of unbelief. The definition of a sect should be taken as that which states that the sect contests, in contrast to the institutionalised church, a particular social order and pursues its own religious and ethical ideals, and that the way to perfect itself is not through sacraments but through personal experience. Man is a herd animal, which is why ...